Ball Exercises

by High Soft App

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Exercices de base-résistance renforcer vos muscles de base, y compris vos muscles abdominaux, les mu...

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Exercices de base-résistance renforcer vos muscles de base, y compris vos muscles abdominaux, les muscles du dos et les muscles autour du bassin.Vous pouvez faire beaucoup d'exercices de base-résistance avec un ballon de fitness. En général, utiliser un ballon de fitness dimensionné de sorte que vos genoux sont à angle droit quand vous vous asseyez sur le ballon avec vos pieds à plat sur le sol. Faites chaque exercice core-force cinq fois. Comme vous devenez plus fort, augmenter progressivement à 15 à 20 répétitions. Respirez librement et profondément et de se concentrer sur le renforcement de vos abdos au cours de chaque exercice core-force. Si vous avez des problèmes de dos, l'ostéoporose ou tout autre problème de santé, parlez-en à votre médecin avant de faire ces exercices de base-résistance.Stability balls (also called exercise balls, balance balls, Swiss balls, or fitness balls) are more than just fun to sit and bounce on—they’re a great way to improve strength, cardio endurance, and balance. It’s pretty common for men to pack some extra poundage around their midsection. In fact, the average man is about 24 pounds heavier today than men in 1960, according to stats from The State of Obesity—and the figures are rising. We’ve seen slimmer days, but don’t think this is a grim sentence, dooming you to eternal chubbiness. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of ways for you to shed fat.How to do the countdown workout:Do 8 reps of the kettlebell swing, followed immediately by 8 reps of the squat thrust. Without resting, do 7 reps of the kettlebell swing, and then 7 reps of the squat thrust, and so on, until you work your way down to 1.A reminder: Don’t overdo it. If your form breaks down during the routine, just stop there. Then next time, adjust your starting point so that you can work all the way down to one without having to stop. As you become better conditioned, start with a higher number.Another important note: This isn’t a complete workout program, but it is a great routine that you can do almost anywhere, anytime. And it’s a fantastic substitute for 15 minutes on the treadmill.Squat ThrustStand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bending at your hips and knees, squat down and lower your body until you can place your hands on the floor. Kick your legs backward—into a pushup position—and then immediately reverse the move and quickly stand up from the squat. That’s 1 rep.
Exercices Exercice-ball et des séances d'entraînement.Apprenez des experts utilisant notre base de données de l'exercice Exercice-ball rempli avec des instructions détaillées.
the use of: Multiple muscle systems Neurologically induced muscular responses Normal and natural process of balance The body’s own natural processes Establishing, restoring and maintaining balance
This app contains :Chest Stretch on Stability Ball Hug A Ball ExercisePyramid ExerciseTorso Rotation ExerciseBall Leg Curl ExerciseDownward Facing Balance Exercise Ball Crunch Exercise Ball Pull-In Physioball Hip Bridge Push-Ups With Feet On An ExerciseSwiss Ball Rollout Swiss Ball Oblique Crunch Swiss Ball Back Extension Swiss Ball Pike A squat and Reach ExerciseCore Stability and Triceps Safety Precautions
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